ELC – Eid/Ramadan 2019 Campaign

With Eid being the Christmas of the Arab region, it is the time of gifting the children of your family. ELC created a special scratch and win promotion during Ramadan to encourage customers to get more out of their purchases.

Gifting is a standard part of Eid, Especially to the children of the family. The only issue is, Arab families tend to extend to a whole lot of offspring, If you get something for your son then you need to get something for your nephew and your cousin’s children, etc..

To promote ELC’s offer, we tapped into the insight of having to gift all of these family members, but at least now you won’t have to worry about the budget because the more you buy the more you can get, from discounts to vouchers to toys.

  •  38% view rate on YT (more than double the industry benchmark of 15%)
  • 2 Million Views and 10 Million in reach
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