SWITZ – Mother’s Day Campaign 2019
SWITZ revolves around the home maker. However, we needed to create a meaningful and impactful way to celebrate Mother’s Day that isn’t your typical cookie cutter type of post and actually makes a difference.
It might be unfortunate, but it’s true, that we can get so caught up in our online connections that we
end up neglecting the truly important ones in real life. Social media, for instance, becomes flooded on
Mother’s Day with posts about how much we all love our mom, but they’re all kind of the same,
and it would be better if we spent more time and effort being mindful of our mothers and expressing
our love in actions.
We wanted to hold a mirror of truth to our social media immersed audience. So, we created a series
of stories about silly or ordinary moments people post about all the time, but with a twist!
In each story we see someone recording an IG story on their phone, shot from a front camera point of
view. Utilizing the fact that stories are shot in full screen, our audience can view the screen from that
person’s perspective. Suddenly, the recording is interrupted by a call or message from Mom. We see
that person either getting annoyed or ignoring Mom all together! Something our audience might have
been guilty of as well.
After this reality check pinch, we offered our audience creative tools to express their love to their
Moms. Swiping up to our micro site, they land on a number of creatively crafted messages, ranging
from the poetic to the corky – messages that are anything but generic! To say I ❤️ U Mom in
unexpected ways.
• Reached 2.5M million people.
• We received 2 million users on the microsite.
• Average time spent on the micro site was 30 seconds.
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