Salman is famous for his ability to capture the essence of Dubai with a simple photo. With every post, he renews your love for the city time and time again. But what about the man behind the camera? FrontRow decided to ask a few questions to see if we can capture the essence of Salman.

Q: At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?

A: That would be ZARA.

Q: What was your favorite toy as a kid?


Q: What was the first prize/award you ever won?

A: Social Butterfly. I was known by everyone, that’s why.

Q: If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?

A: That would be the age of 25. The most healthy and full of learning stage of one’s life.

Q: If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?

A: The one and only, Leonardo Decaprio. When I go to events or talk at trainings etc., I try to mimic him 😛

Q: What item do you have that you should probably throw away but never will?

A: Unnecessary items from the past. I don’t because I love to keep memories.

Q: Who is your favourite influencer? Why?

A: I think I like Unboxing Therapy because of his ‘be yourself’ style.