We love looking at the world through Samuel W Turner’s eyes; that way it’s always perfectly-photographed. However, we at FrontRow Arabia find that his dapper-wear, delicious meals and stunning landscape shots aren’t enough – we want more. WHICH IS WHY we asked a few questions to get to know the man behind Fearsam.

Q: At which store would you like to max-out your credit card?

A: In Dubai, that would have to be Harvey Nichols. Pretty standard I know! Internationally, probably Size. That place should have a spending cap! One more thing I have to say is keep an eye out for Retrograde Concept Store (@retrogradedxb) – launching at Sole. I’ve said enough!

Q: What was your favorite toy as a kid?

A: Lego and a Playstation one. Also anything I could build with sticks in the woods back in England. High levels of danger more often that not correlate with high levels of fun!

Q: What was the first prize/award you ever won?

A: In primary school our football team won a whole host of trophies. My club team on the other hand was rubbish. I very quickly learnt how to be a good winner and a good loser!

Q: If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?

A: I would have to say 18. That’s the year I finished school and went off on a gap year – travelling round America. When freedom is so new to you you enjoy it most. I ticked a lot of things off the bucket list that year too!

Q: If they made a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?

A: Di Caprio. That’s and easy one. He’s the king. However, the clips on our youtube channel; FromThe971 pretty much tell the story of our lives anyway!

Q: What item do you have that you should probably throw away but never will?

A: Hotel slippers. Hear me out! It’s a weird thing to keep, but I always collect a pair from every hotel that I go to. I couldn’t even tell you how many pairs I have in the collection. The Burj Al Arab pair might just be the jewell in the crown though!

Q: Who is your favourite influencer? Why?

A: Casey Neistat. He’s a real influencer, he knows it and he uses his influence in a positive manner. The effort he put into his content alongside his skill level really amkes his videos a pleasure to watch. Aspirations!